CVHS '67 Message Board
  Message Board

CVHS Message Board
When you first enter the Message Board page you can click on  CVHS67 to see what topics there are and what comments have been made.  If you would like to make a reply to a comment or start your own topic for conversation you will first have to register.  You will see the word 'register' in the upper right hand corner.  A window will appear with a statement that you need to read and agree to.  It is basically saying that you will not use bad language, threats, racial slurs, etc.  After agreeing to the statement you will be asked for a user name and password.  You will be asked for your email address.  Your email stays on this website and is not used by anyone outside of this website.  Once you have registered you are free to reply to any topic or make up a topic of your own.

This message board is located on this site.  You are not being sent to another site.  Each time you make up a topic or reply to a comment  it will have to be approved by the site administator which in this case is me.  This is so we don't get anyone from off site abusing our message board.  I will try to approve all topics and replys in a timely manner. 

Proceed to the CVHS '67 Message Board

Message Board

